Nota Bene : below, BUC = "before the Universal Calendar", that is before the Conference of Point-o-Spit, year 1 of the Universal Calendar (see Contemporary Era).
Time scale Madladscar Curry-Bean Islands Aunt-Sea
Really immemorial times: "truly a long time ago" BUC

An old continent gets a giant asteroid right in the face: of it remain only Madladscar, Guinea and some scattered pieces of islands and islets, worth noting the later called Island of the World's End, Eyr at the World's Edge, Hattea, Zebra Island and the Island of Evil.

Following the impact, tectonic plates form and start colliding, thereby creating through volcanism all the known archipelagos on the edge of the plate bearing the remnants of the old continent. A hot spot forms and a great volcanic island appears and then explodes in an eruption of an unheard-of violence (of course, nobody was there yet). With the movement of the plate, the hot spot moves "up" to the NW and new islands emerges: the Antimagnet Islands. The first magma chamber, immense, get filled with water from the sea above.

Of unknown origin, the Ey Sea - the Great Inward Stream - appears and in turn forms the other streams and swirls of the Known World, including of course the Dee Sea - the Great Outward Stream. The specific cycle of the Big Eastern Swirl unfolds as a consequence of the old magma chamber. Rapidly, the storms of the Sea o' Many Mournings settle for the long term.

Immemorial times: "a long time ago" to 1000 BUC

A Neolithic people with slanting eyes arrive at Madladscar from the Ocean Wide on outrigger canoes and settle there.

On Zebra Island, fall of the Paradise of the Zebra-Men, changed into Zebras by the Great Loa-Z… rather goat-tempered on that day.


Another people, white skin and short-tempered lands on Madladscar. It is rejected and finally castaway on the Cormorants Archipelago.


Dire conditions of living on Madladscar. Start of an emigration out of food shortages and bad sanitary conditions.

Gradual settlement by Madladscary, over several generations. The colonisation of Hattea remains marginal.

Gradual settlement by Madladscary, over several generations. The inhabitants of the Cormorants finally take refuge on Caldo-Ann Island and the Archipelago of the Last Loyalty. Emergence of Christianism.

Shamanic Era: about from 1000 to 600 BUC

The south of Madladscar and the Cormorants Islands develop into an organised kingdom, Tanatave, name of its capital city and people.

Development of an original civilisation, based on tribes, shamanism and the cult of the Lwa: the Curry-Bean Indians (also famous for the meal of the same name).

Prosperous islands. The population surge. State-Cities emerge, notably Point-o-Spit on Glabbooby Island.

Glabbooby and Mattink Islands expand their influence to the neighbouring archipelagos, Madladscar and Guinea. The Islands of the Last Loyalty and Caldo-Ann Island remain independant. Very significant technical and social progress on Caldo-Ann Island and the Islands of the Last Loyalty.

Era of the Two Religions: about from 600 to 320 BUC Cyclical vicissitudes. Permanent inter-tribal wars and potlatch.

The Caldo-Anns engineer the caravel and seize power without (too much) violence on Glabbooby and Mattink Islands. Political system of the Governor. Rapid economic growth. Expansion of Christianism. Appearance of slavery.

The Great Discoveries: about from 320 to 240 BUC

Establishment of common trading posts by Mattink and Glabbooby Islands: Port of Good Hope (in 308 BUC) et Port Roaring Head (in 306 BUC).

"Discovery" of the Curry-Bean Islands and foundation of Raybane on Cue-Bar Island, soon also called Say Goodbye (in 305 BUC). Swift conquest of the Greater and Lesser Curry-Beans, with the exception of Hattea, protected by an "unknown power"… Enslavement of many Curry-Bean Indians. Some of the Zebryd Islands are colonised as early as that but not Zebra Island, also defended by "something".

Birth of Benjamin Lamarck on Glabbooby Island (in 317 BUC). Young Pirat, he takes part in the disastrous landing on Hattea (in 301 BUC), then in the no less disastrous first exploration of Zebra Island (in 297 BUC). He returns forever changed and plunders on all seas of the Known World.

Expansion of the Voodoo: about from 240 to 150 BUC Cyclical vicissitudes.

The "unknown power" of Hattea is "discovered" through the confession of several Curry-Bean priests at the end of painful torture sessions. Hattea is conquerred but the backlash is swift: the Voodoo spread to the Curry-Bean Islands as fast as the recently discovered gunpowder. The complete colonisation of Zebryd Islands follows, though Zebra Island remains, so to speak, only "visited" and quickly after abandoned. However, the Z…-Lwa becomes the "Great-Lwa" of the Voodoo, highly feared by the worshipers.

"Discovery" of gunpowder. After that, the cannon is rapidly engineered, followed by new adapted naval battle and fortress defence techniques. The invention spreads extremely quickly and its promoters from Glabbooby and Mattink Islands become extraordinary rich. Almost at the same time two Pirate-Governors seize power in those two islands: the 32 year-old Helen Latour-Lamarck (in 161 BUC) and the 41 year-old Jeff Markus Smolett (in 160 BUC).

Modern Times, also referred to as Turistas Good Old Times: about from 150 to 50 BUC Cyclical vicissitudes.

The Island of the World's End is named at the (very deadly) occasion of the Great Outward Stream's explorations. The Voodoo blends with Christianism and still quickly spreads, now further out of the Curry-Bean Islands. The (usually deadly) pilgrimage to Zebra Island develops significantly.

Appearance and spread of the legend of Captain Lamarck's Island (one of the Salmon Islands). Tour operators develop various touristic concepts such as treasure hunts in the whole archipelago of the Salmon Islands. The west coast of Guinea can but beneficiate of that.

Contemporary Era, also referred to as the Accession of King-Grog (drunkards' talk!) : from 50 BUC to present

The Voodoo finds a new expansion ground in Madladscar, wild and mysterious. Many Lwa are discovered there. Other mysteries remain, like strange forests of "moving trees" to quote only that one. Explorators and travellers of all kinds start to converge to Madladscar Land but it remains, so to speak, as ever speechless and mysterious.

A Curry-Beany-Aunt-Sean culture emerges, facilitating exchanges and the political, commercial and Pirate development in the region despite the strong separation due to the Ey Sea. Beginning of what some historians call the Flourishing Piracy. Hattea and Zebra Island become famous worldwide but the latter remains particularly difficult to visit… Year "zero" (actually year 1…): at the Conference of Point-o-Spit (Glabbooby Island) meet for the first time the main leaders of all the Known World ; however Nip'On Land rather violently rejected the invitation by executing the Glabboobese emissary, thus isolating itself a little more. Nothing concrete comes out that "terrific party!" except the adoption of the Universal Calendar and heavy hangovers.

Adoption of a common Calendar for all the Known World (Nip'On Land keeps its own ancient Calendar however). Emergence of the world of Zebra Island RPG as our Young Pirate friends will soon discover it: a not always easy to understand joyful mix of all those religions and cultures who crossed with each other in the History of the Known World. "Great Eruption of 53". With the exception of Nip'On Land, which maintain its mysterious isolation, each island keeps also cultural specifics and various specialities and it is a fine mess!! We are now in the year 92 of this era already to remember…