(More or less) regular press review of the most (or least) sold papers of the Aunt-Sea.

New news briefly

  • February 14th, 93 : a gift for your (Pirate) Valentine, they (don't ask who exactly) slightly modified the Pirate Code! For our Friends Young Pirates who do not know - anymore probably - how to properly use the faculty of language, the rules regarding the Duels between Pirates have been softened! We thought it might concern you, it might even help you, so here's our piece of advice, go and take a look at it, here: rules regarding the Duels between Pirates.
  • December 20th, 92: Zebra Island breaks for good into your home via the Web! The wake of Poerava - and of so many another Pirate - is still visible from the gloomy shores of the window frame… Get some mates, sharpen your sword and your tongue : some cards are gonna be drawn and some dices are gonna roll !!
    (Before that, that wouldn't be a waste of time to take a little glimpse at the rest of the site… Or perhaps, yeah, it is… Anyway, let's say you have to!)
  • December 5th, 92: Young but already talented Poerava take her leave off Yellow Lizard Island « for the first time » and sets sail on a search for Aventure… The Globe-Trotter's Inking Matey covers the event, as it should, as well in Criole as in Engliche, but it won't tell the story alone: will you be part of it or will you not?!
Latest news

Back in time

  • October 13th, 90: Thinking that publishing such an inimaginable quantity of information only in Criole language will quickly prove insufficient to ensure its wide (and how much necessary!) diffusion, the Editorial Board of the Globe-Trotter's Inking Matey decides to launch the project of an Engliche version.
  • April 2nd, 90: New Logbooks of the Captain Lamarck (they are still as legendary as ever, whatsoever) give away many secrets on this « Known World » which still very few know yet! The Globe-Trotter's Inking Matey take the decision to make an exhaustive report of those hallucinating - in the true meaning of the word - discoveries and to search, as much as can be done without loosing one's way, into the mystery of Zebra Island and that of Captain Lamarck's disappearance… or of his accessing to the hall of fame?!
  • August 23rd, 85: Encounter with the big Loa Z… (shhh!), with an ensuing thick and uneasy waking-up… and the first sketches of the Map of the Known World, according to Captain Lamarck's (legendary, they say) Logbooks!

Bloody Buccaneer's ghastly gossip

Live from this side of the shore ! (With all the details, I want them all !)

[Still waiting for Known World's new Homer or, in the absence of, new Proust...]

The Golden Watermelon

The Golden Watermelon


Zebra Island…

You'll come back different… or won't come back at all !

But also : the role-playing game for all the Pirates of the Known World! (Coming soon...)


Readers' Mail

For the readers' mail, send your bottles to the sea to The Globe-Trotter's Inking Matey:

  • 7, venue of the Great Porpoises, Point-o-Spit, Glabbooby Island (Head Off's…) ;
  • 12, Even-Low Bets baggend, Fordstrange, Mattink Island (Branch Off's);
  • Or more simply leave your message in our Guest Book!