Boardings are basically divided in two steps: the first one follows the mutual Approach of two (or more) Ships and consists in passing over to the opponent's deck (or to receive the incoming assault) according to the strategy chosen by the Captain or the Crew. That step is more specifically discussed here. The second step essentially is an all-on fight - or a « joyful chaos » if one prefers – between the two Crews. For this part, one can refer to the section regarding Brawls, without forgetting however the possibility with bigger Crews that there could be a « Grenadier » – throwing nail-filled grenades onto the opponent's deck - as well as « Snipers » – experienced gunners who climb in the Riggings with their muskets to try to shoot more easily the ennemy's commander. Such actions of Grenadiers and Snipers are also taken into account in this section.

If one of the two or both Ships (still) have cannons, in most cases further Broadsides will be shot, though not anymore armed with Cannonballs as for Chase or Flight (See the section about Naval Battles and Chase at Sea) but either with plenty of small shot (Langrage) in order to kill or hurt as many ennemy Crew members as possible or burning projectiles to set fire to the opponent's sails or to destroy the fire power of the ennemy. More occasionally, cannonballs may still be used if the aim is to sink the opponent's Ship without intent to put hand on her load or anything else on her board. Again, if the opponent's Ship still has Broadside Cannons, it will be quite difficult to approach so as to be in position to board without getting at least one Broadside fire and that is without accounting for possible avoidance moves on the ennemy's part.

The next three sub-sections are for the Game Master who wants to manage Boardings between Ships precisely. However, some may prefer to avoid having to bother with to many rules and systems, so an original solution is proposed in a fourth and last sub-section… Well, have fun and try to avoid breaking everything at home!


Ships' Health


A simple solution…