The situation is quite different whether one has to handle a fight between two opposing groups – under command of a leader or not – or a generalised brawl where each is fighting against all - which case happens mostly in taverns when the mood becomes somewhat overheated. The two types of Encounters are distinguished in that section by calling Street Fights those of two organised groups and Brawl the more chaotic all versus all way of fighting.

Street Fights

In a Street Fight, either a Leader commands the group or the fighting group itself is more or less self-organised. According to the case, as one probably already understood, rules for Lead / Coordinated Actions apply, as discussed in a previous section: Command Action of the Leader in the former, Roll versus (Cleverness – Got a Nerve! + 10) for the fighting group members in the latter case.

One will take care to roll for Leadership / Coordination at the beginning of each Fighting Sequence with effect during the whole said Sequence.

Street Fights


In the case of Brawls, where the fighting goes in all directions at once, no Roll for Lead or Coordination is required. The Game Master can even decide to apply a Malus to each of the Brawlers for all their actions, so as to simulate the difficulty to act properly in such a kind of confusing situation.

Otherwise, Actions of the Sequence are managed and « organised » in the same way as for « individual » fights, with yet the following differences:

  • The general confusion being given, REserving one's Action is impossible to anybody involved in the fighting;
  • On the other hand, there is no need for a specific action to Disengage from Combat if one wants to turn to another opponent or leave the fighting zone;
  • One can hit indifferently any of one's three or four closest opponents; in the same manner, any of one's five or six potential opponents can choose to hit hin or her or another reachable opponent. (One can even hit one of his allies - let's assume it is then by mistake… oh yes, it already happened! Now to clarify whether it really was an accident is another story…)
  • The preceding rules of course do not apply to embushed Snipers. However, they suffer a Malus between one and three, since the confusion of the situation make any attempt to aim a shot more at an ennemy than a friend quite difficult…

As well as the Strategic Actions are a combination of Lead and Coordinated Actions, nothing speaks against simulating a greater Battle by applying the rules for Strategis Actions to what we just discussed here.

The Game Master can thus take care to manage the local Combat around the Characters in details by applying the above rules while he can manage the global situation of the Battle in a more macroscopic (even arbitrary) way, except regarding the Command / Coordination Rolls of the confronting Leaders / troops…

Boardings, discussed in the next paragraph, are of course yet a specific variant of that type of Actions.